Mannheim University Sports Running Club

Answers for Freqently Asked Questions (FAQ)

It is raining, will the running group meet anyway?

Yes. Running in a warm summer rain is excellent and with colder temperatures it is also no problem if you wear the proper clothes.

I am running not very fast, am I too slow for the running group?

No, we offer, depending on the group size, several different paces and courses. We will not leave anyone behind!

Where do you meet exactly?

In the Ehrenhof of the Mannheim castle. Even if this yard is quite large you cannot miss us.

What equipment do I need?

The basic equipment is a pair of running shoes. Even if some world class runners run barefeet, for most runners running shoes with good cushioning are recommended. But you do not need the latest model or a particular brand.

Do I have to register to come to the running group?

Yes, it is necessary to register each week. Feel free to contact us, if you encounter any problem during the registration.

Can I join the running group even if the semester has already started?

Yes, you can always join and enrich our group.

Are there locker rooms and showers at the Ehrenhof which can be used?

Unfortunately not in the castle, but in the university's health sports center in E7, 1-3. The library's lockers at the Ehrenhof can be used to deposit jackets and beverages while running.

I am not stuying (any longer). Can I participate anyway?

Yes, there are also options for non students to participate. Just contact us for details.

How often do I have to participate in order to increase my endurance?

To increase the endurance running once a week is not enough. For this you should do any kind of endurance sport at least twice or better three times a week. This does not have to be always running, swimming or fitness gymnastics are good as well. Following this you should notice an increase in endurance after about three weeks.

Further questions?

Send a message to Lea and Stefan